Best Wishes for 2024

The dawn of a new year: who knows what it will bring. Is there a glimmer of light on the horizon? Let us be optimistic, although things are pretty grim at the moment. I skim over the headlines each day, trying to avoid the worst of the news.

We all wish for world peace, at least those of us who are not dictators or involved in the arms industry. Meanwhile, let us take comfort in the good things in life, if we can manage it: art and books and nature, family and friends. And let us hope for good health.

Let us think of those who have none of the above, and lend a helping hand when we can. Let us hope for that glimmer of light on the horizon.

And for those who like to celebrate, here is a painting by Toulouse Lautrec, who was a master at depicting people enjoying themselves!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Laughing into the New Year

As we march, or slither, into an uncertain future, I thought what better way to convey my somewhat belated good wishes than by trying to amuse you. It is a well-known fact that laughter is the best medicine.

So here’s a selection from some of my favorite comic strips and New Yorker cartoons: 

🔸For those who never make to midnight

🔸For parents of annoying teenagers

🔸For doggy people

🔸For cat lovers

🔸For those who aren’t sick of politics yet

🔸For ladies who lunch

🔸For optimists

🔸And pessimists

Hope that’s got you smiling at least.  Happy New Year!

And may it be less bizarre than the last one.


Best wishes and a super moon

Stepping  outside at night on January first and seeing a huge moon shining behind the clouds felt like a good sign – an omen of a great year ahead?



Best wishes to all of you who have been reading my ramblings all year.
But so as not to be too complacent, I will share a cartoon frrom the New Yorker that someone sent me.